Friday, July 1, 2016

misdirected redirection

misdirected redirection

 ... or HTTPS everywhere getting us nowhere

I'm a long time believer in crypto. (Look me up. I'm in the Web-of-Trust.) I've done SSL stack development (in assembler). My day job is helping customers integrate field-level encryption. And I look forward to a safer, more secure, heavily crypto-laden internet.
But I'm concerned about the rush to HTTPS everywhere.

Okay, "getting us nowhere" is an exaggeration, but it makes for a decent sound-alike to English speakers.

To be specific, there are cases where plain HTTP makes more sense. Sometimes it's just for performance sake. Don't presume that every object must be fetched via SSL/TLS. Some content is actually not a security risk. I could ask "Why would you burden not-at-risk clear traffic with encryption?". But I won't ask. To ask would be rhetorical and that would be ASSuming things that might not be correct.

And then there's automation. For better or worse, our world runs on automation, much of which is not encrypted. Not now anyway. Much not now; some not ever. And unencrypted operation is not inherently evil.

Rule number one: don't break stuff.

Instead of rhetorically asking or assuming, I'll tell you: think about what should and should not be protected with TLS/SSL. Don't blindly bloat our treasured traffic with careless crypto. Think. Be selective about which sessions and services actually needs the extra work. (And it will be extra work, and it won't be your burden alone. Choices you make affect other people, always.)

Okay, "don't break stuff" is trumped by security (and by bugs). But hear my point that getting it right is hard work. Blanket solutions aren't solutions, and solving even the most urgent problems by wanton breakage is to follow one problem with another.

It's as if someone (make that plural, many someones) asked (rhetorically), "Why would you not encrypt everything?". The question ASSumes that there's no good reason to have cleartext on the net. But there are good reasons. I'll cite only one because I'm tired, presently annoyed, and generally cranky of late. Here's a classic, "Why would you ever need more than 640K?".

Important note: That's not how the quote goes and Bill Gates never actually said such a thing. (Someone did say something once to John Sculley about floppies being all Apple would ever need in response to a question about Macintosh networking. Wanna guess who?) Please hear my second point that there is no one-size-fits-all for software, or for hardware, or for clothing.

My case is the chicken-and-egg situation of trying to build OpenSSL from source. One must download the source before one can build the source. How does that happen? Easy, use 'curl' or 'wget' or some similar tool, point to, get the tarball. Explode the downloaded tarball and follow the standard recipe. But if you don't have SSL working then you can't use HTTPS.

So far my case doesn't sound like a problem. Here's the problem. Some bright "HTTPS everywhere" aficionado decided that nobody should be using HTTP. When you hit via HTTP you (now) get re-directed to HTTPS. If you're downloading OpenSSL for the sake of implementing OpenSSL ... and you don't already have some kind of SSL or TLS ... this is a difficult situation.

They broke stuff. They broke my stuff. Now it's personal.

Building systems from source is important. Or I don't know, maybe it's not important. (Seems like it's important to some people, but they're getting hard to find.) I build from source for several reasons, partly because I'm a control freak, partly because I'm a tinker, and partly because I don't trust systems built by other people. Trust ... it's always about trust. (Systems built by other people: I do use them, but kind of like Google. I use Google but I don't trust them. Been saying that for several years now. And look, here I am blogging on a Google property.)

The automation in question actually has SSL. The problem is that it has an embryonic infrastructure with an empty PKI trust store. This is not to say that it doesn't have a solid trust chain. It just doesn't (at the point of fetching OpenSSL source) have a cache of root certificates for the World Wide Web. So when we hit a site like (via HTTPS) the server certificate fails to verify. (Plain HTTP is fine, was fine, until mister "my solution works for everyone" did the re-direct re-design on their site.)

Gimme back HTTP!

It's the re-direction that's the problem.
I said HTTP because I meant HTTP. The protocol has 301 and 302. Oy vey, another great feature now fallen victim to abuse by ill-conceived implementation. (There's a long and growing list of those.) The files didn't move. (Would be nice if some people used 301 to replace 404, ya think?)

This is the second time in recent months that I've run up against someone having disabled a perfectly reasonable function because they knew better than the rest of us. I guess we gotta kill stupidity one bad idea at a time.

Let's encrypt. Let's encrypt widely. Let's encrypt carefully.

-- R; <><

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