My friend Skippy sent email suggesting I check out stali. I had seen it before. Good stuff, if perhaps a bit knee-jerk.
Can't help but think that stali springs from a Linux-centric experience, even though the developers clearly value simplicity. And I'm thrilled to see another team fighting the good fight against bloat.
How does it relate (if at all) to NORD?
I took the framework of stali goals and wrote a NORD philosophy (section of the intro doc):
- Follow the Unix philosophy.
- Target i386, s390, ppc, and arm hardware.
- Separate easily-replaced core system from optional packages.
- Follow Linux FHS where it makes sense.
- Don’t use SystemD.
- Make as much static as is reasonable. (minimize shared library dependencies)
- Achieve simplicity and stability. (good rescue or embedded system)
- Achieve runs-from-ROM.
- Minimize security attack surfaces.
- Include a hand selected collection of the standard tools.
- Upgrade/install using RSYNC; no package manager needed.
In recent weeks, I needed a clean development system (again!). Had trouble building Squid Proxy on I386. (It built just fine on S390.) So I went about cycling through the core packages (again!), also updated the kernel headers, and tried a re-build of GLIBC. Got stuck. Still stuck. But most things build and re-build just fine.
I've been reviewing some Chicory-built packages to re-do them with static linkage. That will be an ongoing process.
-- R; <><